Our Library


Kendriya Vidyalaya OEF  has a rich library .It has more than 9000 thousand books .More than 40 periodicals are subscribed in library .Library is fully automated . Books are selected as per professional mode to fulfill the actual interest and of library users .All the documents are classified ,catalogued as per KVS specifications .Open shelve is provided to all users for maximum use of library .OPEC search device gives online search of all documents .Bar code device provides automated circulation to students .
Library has a rich periodical section ,which fulfills the requirements of all users.
Class library and Hanging library is a special feature of library.
Clipping , Career and Guidance cell plays an important role in library;
Bibliotherapy  is regular feature to inculcate reading habit among library users .
ONLINE /VIRTUAL LIBRARY /eLibrary through 
library blog

👉Due to Covid 19 traditional library services are not effective .In such a situation library blog has emerged as strong mode of virtual library .It provides library users sufficient number of books,periodicals,newspapers and other services, which fulfills the library requirements of users .




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